Lynn Di Pietro Vogue Technique
Lynn Di Pietro Vogue Technique
(508) 765-5616

39 Elm St, Southbridge, MA

People share a common desire to look and feel their very best. The demand for laser hair removal, acne laser therapy, skin rejuvenation, deep pore purification and ultrasonic facials has grown. At Laserderm Medispa in Shrewsbury, MA we continue to offer only the best and most current technology available on the market; enabling us to provide faster, more effective and affordable treatment. With over 30 years experience in this field, you can trust Laserderm Medispa with all your skin care needs.

We've moved!
After over 25 years in Worcester, we've relocated to a wonderful new space in Shrewsbury. Located on Gordon Road, just off of route 9, our new space is larger, allowing us to offer more skincare and spa services to you. Call today for an appointment!

IsolazTM is here!
Laserderm Medispa is the only Central Mass location offering Isolaz.
Rated among the 3 hottest products at the 2007 American Academy of Dermatology conference, Isolaz uses a breakthrough technology called Photopneumaticsâ„¢ offering faster, effective skin rejuventation with deep pore-purification; smooth, radiant, clear skin can be yours!
If you want clear, flawless glowing skin and:

You wish your complexion looked smoother and more luminescent
You wish you had smaller pores
You wish your skin appeared less dull and more radiant
You wish your skin was less oily
You wish you had fewer blackheads
You want to remove the brown or red spots, tiny broken capillaries or sun damaged skin on your face, neck, chest, arms or hands.

Isolaz has been featured in

Payment plans available. Visa & Mastercard accepted
© 2010, Laserderm Medispa. All Rights Reserved.
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