Laser Away Skin & Laser Center
Laser Away Skin & Laser Center
(978) 975-8770

109 Main St, North Andover, MA

Laser Hair Removal
Laser Hair Removal is a safe. fast,gentle, and effective alternative to shaving, tweezing, waxing, and electrolysis

LaseAway Skin and Laser Center provides state of the art laser treatments and aesthetic skin services to help patients with a variety of cosmetic and medical skin issues. We employ Certified Registered Nurses and Licensed Certified Aestheticians who are experienced providing even the most delicate procedures under medical doctor supervision. These professionals will work with you to achieve your desired outcomes. In an effort to meet the diversified needs of our customers, we incorporate the use of multiple FDA approved laser systems that have been developed for safer, faster and target specific treatments thus increasing patient satisfaction.

Our EpiCareâ„¢ alexandrite laser have proven over the years to be the most effective and the safest to use on the widest variety of hair and skin types. This has a proven track record of reliability and excellence.

Our GentleYAG, the fastest and most powerful Nd:YAG laser on the market today, allows nurses to treat a wide range of conditions including unwanted hair, leg veins, vascular lesions, pseudofolliculitis barbae, and skin tightening. An added bonus is that the Candela GentleYAG laser can treat all skin types, including dark and tanned skin.

Our AlexLAZR and Polamar Q-Switch ND-Yag Lasers are the fastest most powerful Q-Switch laser systems designed to treat multicolored tattoos and various pigmented lesions thus providing fast, safe and effective treatments that are also gentle to the skin.

Our VBeam Laser can do it all from skin rejuvenation, by correcting brown and red skin discoloration, reducing vascular lesions, eliminating diffuse redness, shrinking enlarged pores, reducing fine lines and wrinkles, without patient downtime.

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