B&B Aesthetics and Skincare

B&B Aesthetics and Skincare

2 Park Central Drive, Suite 210
Southborough, MA 01772
508-481-4SPA (4772)

Laser Hair Removal

Copyright © 2008-2009 B&B Aesthetics
and Skincare. All rights reserved.
Website created and maintained by
Carney Design Studio
Permanent Hair Removal...

Lasers treatments can quickly and effectively
remove hair from small areas such as the upper
lip, chin, cheeks, outer ears, bikini, underarms,
back of neck; and large areas like the legs,
arms, chest and back.

The lasers deliver short, powerful pulses of light
to target the active growing hair follicle. In
conjunction with the laser a cooler is blown over
the skin for comfort during the treatment
The laser light is absorbed by the brown-melanin pigment found in the hair
shaft in the hair follicles, converted to heat destroying the follicle. The duration
of the short pulse of light from the laser is carefully designed to disable the hair
follicle without excessively heating the skin. Treatments are specifically
designed to reduce undesired hair from any part of the body, unlike many
other treatment methods laser hair removal leaves your skin looking and
feeling smoother and softer!

Who is a Candidate?

Unfortunately, laser hair removal is not for everyone. A general rule is that your
hair should be darker than the surrounding skin. This typically leaves out
those with darker skin....perhaps not..

B&B aesthetics and skincare uses a Best in Class Cynosure Apogee
Eliete Laser with both a Nd:YAG laser and Alexandrite laser. This allows
us to treat a broader range of skin types than others.

How many treatments will I need?

On average, 6-8 treatments are required to achieve optimum results. We offer
treatment packages of 6 Sessions spaced about 4-6 weeks apart.

Why multiple treatments?

The laser will only be destroying the follicles that are in their "active growth"
cycles. Our hair cycles every 4-6 weeks on average, and at any given point in
time, contains about 15-20% actively growing follicles. Cycling your treatments
catches up with your bodies natural hair cycle to achieve maximum hair
reduction in any given area.
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