Arlington Medical Aesthetics.

Arlington Medical Aesthetics.

22 Mill Street
Suite 101
Arlington. MA 02476

Arlington MA Laser Hair Removal

Arlington, MA laser hair removal, including body and facial hair reduction by Arlington Medical Aesthetics, proudly serving Boston, Belmont, Lexington, Burlington, Lincoln, Woburn, Medford, Winchester, Stoneham, Wilmington, Waltham, Cambridge, Concord and Bedford MA.

We provide Arlington laser hair removal and utilize the FDA approved Cynosure Elite Laser. This is the most comprehensive laser available for hair removal. Having two different wavelengths, the Nd YAG (1064nm) and the Alexandrite (755nm), allows us to treat a large array of patients with any skin color.

How does the laser remove body and facial hair?

We adjust the laser to target the melanin or color in your hair. The laser then emits a beam of light that is absorbed by the hair in the active growth stage. The beam disables the follicle stunting the growth and resulting in the shedding of the unwanted hair. Generally patients will need five laser hair removal treatment sessions. It is important to understand that results vary depending on the hair type, stress level, medication and hormones. You will see results in the first hair removal treatment, but may require more or less than five.

What does laser hair removal feel like?

Some patients find that the treatment can be a little uncomfortable. This depends on the treatment area and the sensitivity level of the patient. We use the Cool Glide system to keep our patients comfortable. This system blows nice cool air on the treatment area. There is a topical numbing cream available for sensitive areas and for patients who feel they need it. A non-aspirin product may also be taken prior to the laser hair removal treatment.

What happens to the skin after the laser treatment?

Once the laser triggers the hair follicle, it will react in order to purge the hair. This results in reddening and or inflammation of the skin. This is a desired effect. Depending on yours skins sensitivity, the inflammation could take a few minutes to a few hours to subside. You can go back to your normal everyday activities. We just ask that you wear SPF and avoid direct sunlight.

Is laser hair removal permanent?

Based on our experience, hairs that are treated during a growth cycle will not re-grow. Each individual’s treatment response may be different because of their hair or skin type. In addition, everyone has between 500 and 1000 follicles per square inch, of which many are dormant at the time of treatment, therefore we have no way of knowing if and when they may start growing due to stress levels, certain medications and different hormone levels.

For more information, visit Cynosure Laser at:

Arlington, MA hair removal by Arlington Medical Aesthetics, proudly serving Boston, Belmont, Lexington, Woburn, Medford, Winchester, Burlington, Lincoln, Stoneham, Wilmington, Waltham, Cambridge, Concord and Bedford Massachusetts.
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