Accurate Aesthetics

Accurate Aesthetics

One Washington Street
Suite 301
Wellesley, MA 02481
tel: (781) 263-0011
toll free (877) 603-7874

In the past, people suffering from unwanted body hair have turned to such treatments as depilatories and waxing, which cover large body areas but have temporary results, or to electrolysis, which provides permanent results, but is very impractical on large body areas. Happily, there is now a solution for unwanted hair, which delivers permanent hair reduction on large body areas: Pulsed Light Treatment with the Palomar MediLuxâ„¢ Pulsed Light System. Pulsed light systems are similar to lasers in that they both use an intense beam of light, but pulsed light is able to treat much larger areas in a shorter span of time. If you suffer from unwanted hair on your back, legs, upper lip or other areas, you may be surprised to find that you can find permanent relief to your problem through the Pulsed Light System.

The MediLux™ system has the flexibility to provide varied hair removal treatments on different types of skin and hair. The system removes unwanted hair by delivering a pulse of intense light directly into the hair follicles. The light is absorbed by the pigment in the follicles and converted to heat. The heat then loosens the hair and disables the cells responsible for growing new hair. A man’s back or a pair of legs can be treated in less than 30 minutes. Smaller areas, such as the underarms, can be treated in even less time. Pulsed light treatments are exponentially more effective than such temporary solutions as shaving and waxing and they are performed with minimal discomfort.

Even electrolysis can’t compare, because it’s very impractical for large body areas. Most patients describe the pulses as a “snapping” sensation, which causes mild discomfort at most. After the treatment, there may be some redness for a few days, but that quickly fades and the patient can enjoy the effects of smooth skin.

Visit our plastic / cosmetic surgery office located in Wellesley, Massachusetts (MA) conveniently near from the Boston, MA area.
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